Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Network Security and Firewall Technology †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Network Security and Firewall Technology. Answer: Introduction: In this article, Sheng, HuiShan, and Xuekui (2016) propose a structural representation for virus concealment depending on cloud computing technology. The author analyzes the conventional virus exposure techniques which cant efficiently destroy the new kind of viruses and malevolent software like Trojans, worms, etc. They pertained a novel distributed CFO algorithm, PIF algorithm, and maximum independent set algorithm in cloud computing for effectively exposing and describing the restrictive prompt characteristic of virus and malware. The article would be useful to network users as it provides discussions on the invariable characteristic analysis technique depending on cloud computing and enhancement in the virus and malware exposure proportion when contrasted with the distinct computer system. The main limitation of the article is the synchronization drawback of each and every virtual machine connection. In this article, Ahmed and Nader (2016) exploited the fuzzy logic m-file in Mat lab for the defence assessment of wireless networks. After studying the existing algorithms, the author proposed a new fusion system procedure for wireless network security. They executed a relative study in between the symmetric algorithms DES, AES, and 3DES. They also assessed the conventional procedure, novel algorithm, clock cipher algorithm, and recommended algorithm in order to emphasize the safety point of proposed algorithm. In this article, it is proved that the hybrid model is very complicated than the traditional procedure for safety and elevated accomplishment in the wireless network. The main limitation of the article is that the network security is limited based on the proposed algorithm in the network valuation. In this article, Lily Dong and Yuanzhen Peng (2012) have taken the firewall technology as the main network security technique. Since the authors discovered in practical that already prevailing firewall technology rallies the present network security requirement with some complexity. This article is based on the authors concrete awareness on firewall technology methodologies and firewall categorization. In this article, the authors converses the restrictions of the firewall itself since it does not go through firewalls attachment, if it is secured in the network system by means of SLIP and PPP precisely with the Internet coupled interior user, will then leads to a concealed risk. The firewall technology used in this article assures that the safety of the network is enough in a definite network progress situation and performs according to the insisted objective to implement the equivalent security procedure. In this article, Saudi, Faizal, Selamat, Fadhlee, and Ramzi (2017) have discussed the most emerging threat Botnet which aims most of the clients network of computers. Many experiments are carried out on the botnets and methods to spot the botnets in network traffic. In this article, the authors selected a noteworth characteristic for boosting the exactness of botnet concealment. Existing experiments aims only on the botnet detection techniques and do not expose the objective apart from the choice. In this paper, the authors disclose the manipulating ability in botnet exposure by utilizing arithmetical methodology. The experimental output received by the authors exhibits about 91% precision that is almost tolerable for employing the influence aspect in exposing botnet movement. In this paper, Lekha and Ganapathi proposed a hybrid invasion recognition procedure for finding the damage in the traffic pattern of network. The authors incorporated misuse detection in which the network traffic pattern is divided into known and unknown threat and anomaly detection models. In this article, the incorporated anomaly detection model divides the not identified threat as normal data set and unknown threat for enhancing the accomplishment of usual traffic activity. The author carried out the research by making use of NSL KDD dataset and the accomplishment of the new method is contrasted with the conventional finding methods through training period, analysis time, detection percentage, and false positive ratio. The limitation of the paper is that it detects only 52% percentage of the unknown threats. References: Sheng,Z., HuiShan,H., XueKui, S. (2016). Research on Computer Network Virus Defense Technology in Cloud Technology Environment. International Journal of Security and Its Applications, 10(3), 449-460. Ahmed, S., Nader, M. (2016). New Algorithm for Wireless Network Communication Security. International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security, 6(4), 11-19. Dong, L., Peng, Y. (2012). Network Security and Firewall Technology. International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering, 53(2), 35-60. Saudi, M., Faizal, M.A., Selamat, S.R., Fadhlee, M.D., Ramzi, W.Y (2017). Revealing the future influence in HTTP Botnet Detection. International Journal of Communication networks and information security, 9(2), 50-70. Lekha, J., Ganapathi, P. (2017). Detection of illegal traffic pattern using Hybrid Improved CART and Multiple Extreme Learning Machine Approach. International Journal of communication networks and information security, 9(2), 40-65.

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